

英日字典: paraphrenic_schizophrenia

paraphrenic schizophrenia   (TTS Sound)

The paraphrenic_schizophrenia has 1 Senses.

  • paraphrenic schizophrenia, paraphrenia, paranoic type schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia
  • パラフレニー
  • a form of schizophrenia characterized by delusions (of persecution or grandeur or jealousy); symptoms may include anger and anxiety and aloofness and doubts about gender identity; unlike other types of schizophrenia the patients are usually presentable and (if delusions are not acted on) may function in an apparently normal manner
  • 妄想が特徴的な統合失調症(誇大妄想、被害妄想、嫉妬)

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